25 years of experience working with schools and higher education with a focus on improving the experience of young people and adults who care for them.


About Quincy McLaughlin

Quincy has worked in schools, higher ed, and academic medical centers, as a school leader, teacher, program director, and administrator, for more than 25 years years. Dedicated to creating equitable, inclusive, supportive teaching and learning environments with optimal faculty cultures, through consistent and inclusive practices, and contributing meaningfully to efforts in enrollment/admissions, communications, advancement, master planning, finance, operations, athletics, SEL, DEI, and long-term strategic planning.

An expert witness on the evolving standard of care in independent schools, and a Senior Consultant with MehtaCognition, Quincy works at Greenhills School in Ann Arbor, a 6-12 day school of 700, where she has worked since 2018. In her opening years at Greenhills, she served as Head of the Upper School. More recently, she serves as Associate Head of School. She currently serves on the Risk Advisory Committee for United Educators. This past academic year, she also served as the Interim Head of School at the Athenian School, a day and boarding 6-12 school of 535 in California, while the head was on medical leave. Prior to Greenhills, Quincy was the Dean of Student Well-being at the Hotchkiss School in Connecticut, where she served on the school’s Leadership Team for five years. Prior to Hotchkiss, she held teaching, advising, and administrative roles at Smith College and Miss Hall’s School, both in Massachusetts.

A graduate of Dana Hall School, Quincy holds a BA in Literature from Sarah Lawrence College and a Master’s in Social Work from Smith College. 

A regular presenter at NYSAIS, TABS, and NAIS conferences, Quincy has provided webinars and interviews for NBOA/NetAssests and United Educator, and serves as a consultant to schools and nonprofits and provides a range of assessment, consulting and training services.

Through strategic leadership, Quincy works to improve organizational processes and emphasize the importance of credibility and trustworthiness in school keeping. A list of independent school clients is available upon request.


Consulting/school leader

Quincy McLaughlin works with students, faculty, families, and trustees, to solve problems and align practices, transforming classrooms and schools in to communities where students and teachers feel supported, and families and trustees are partners.

Providing guidance and support to schools and nonprofits through policy review, organizational assessment, training, audits. Specializing in team effectiveness, strategy development, succession/transition management, interim headship, risk management, change management, and consultation.

Consulting Services from brief consultation to interim leadership include:

  • change management using a systems thinking approach and focused leadership support

  • strategy development with a focus on aligning boards and school leadership

  • program assessment, related to community health and well -being; administrative restructuring

  • curriculum development, with a focus on flexible, instructional practices and teaching strategies designed to support all students

  • developing policies and procedures related to incident reporting and related response protocols, and creating consistent, equitable practices; developmental programming

  • training and workshops related to educational settings and nonprofits, including harassment, sexual misconduct, boundaries, and mandated reporting

  • collaborative projects coordinating values informed structures and practices, from wellness to boundaries

A sample of Recent Workshops


Training Faculty to Mitigate Behavioral Risk: Addressing Boundary Violations

NBOA 2023 Annual Meeting


A list of recent and current independent school clients available upon request.

Relevant Presentations/Publications

  • Invited to write the Forward to, “Supporting Transgender Students” (A. Myers; University of New Orleans Press), 2021

  • “Boundaries in a Remote Learning Environment”, NBOA Webinar (with K.Hicks, D. Wolowitz), April 2020; 

  • Training Volunteers to Protect Minors”, podcast by United Educators, March 2020

  • “Creating a Code of Ethical Conduct for Faculty”, (with D. Wolowitz, M. Kantor), Three sold out sessions for NYSAIS; March 2019 (NYC), October 2019 (Emma Willard), March 2020 (Xavier High School)

  • “Creating a Culture of Safety”, October 2018, MassKids National Conference, MA.

  • “Providing Feedback When Faculty Make Mistakes: Advice for Administrators”, (with D. Wolowitz, M. Mardon), 2017 TABS Annual Conference, MA, December

  • “Creating a Code of Ethical Conduct: Difficult Conversations Following Boundary Violations.”, Three Hour Workshop (D. Wolowitz, K. Hicks), 2017 NAIS Annual Conference, MD, March

  • “Creating a Code of Ethical Conduct: Conversations After Boundary Violations”, Workshop (K. Hicks, D. Wolowitz), 2017 CAIS Trustee/School Head Conference, CA, January

  • “Supporting Students' Transition to High School: Helping Students Navigate to a New and Diverse Setting”, Presentation, 2016 TABS/NAIS Global Symposium, Long Beach, April

  • ‘Effectively Managing Medical and Mental Health Conditions”, One-Hour Presentation (with M. Mardon), 2015 TABS Annual Conference, Boston, December


